Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

Conference on Gothic in Odense

On 8 March 2016 at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense an international workshop on Gothic language, history and culture with the title "The Goths Revisited" will take place.

The programme is:

13.00 Word of welcome

13.05 Lars Munkhammar (Uppsala University Library)
'Codex Argenteus in the Light of Science and Technology'

13.35 Jaime Gómez de Caso Zuriaga (University of Alcalá)
'Legends about the Goths of Toledo in Islamic literature'

14.05 Carla Falluomini (University of Torino)
'Über das gotische Fragment aus Bologna'.

14.35 Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen (University of Copenhagen)
'Alleged nursery words and hypocorisms among Gothic and Germanic kinship terms'

15.05 Coffee

15.25 Magnús Snædal (University of Iceland, Reykjavík)
'The phonology and morphology of foreign words in Gothic revisited'

15.55 Patrick V. Stiles (University College London)
'Gothic jains and congeners'

16.20 Maksim Korobov (ISLU, Irkutsk) & Andrei Vinogradov (Higher School of Economics, School of History, Moscow)
'Neuentdeckte gotische Graffito-Inschriften aus der Bergkrim'

16.55 Concluding session

Chairpersons: John Ole Askedal (Oslo), Ingmar Söhrman (Gothenburg), Alexandra Holsting (Odense) and Hans Frede Nielsen (Odense).

If you plan to attend the workshop, you should register by email <> as soon as possible and no later than 18 January 2016. There is no conference fee, but if you wish to participate in our conference dinner at 6.00 p.m., there will be an estimated charge of DKK 250 (inclusive of drinks) to be paid directly to the restaurant.

So be quick to register!

Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2015

Conference in Sydney

An interesting Conference is held from 11-12.02.2016 at the Medieval and Early Modern Centre (University of Sydney). The topic is "Space and Time in the Early Medieval World". Abstracts must be submitted by 11.12.2015. More information can be found here.

Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015

Electronic Beowulf

Now the fourth edition of the Electronic Beowulf is available here. It is a really wonderful resource with lots of informations in it. It would be great if more Old Germanic texts were edited in that way.

Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

Älvdalsk Ordbok

Now available is here an online version the Älvdalsk Ordbok of Lars Steensland. It contains a Svenska-Älvdalska and an Älvdalska-Svenska search function. This is indeed helpful.

Call for Papers

This conference may be of interest. The topic is "La tradizione gnomica nelle letterature germaniche medievali". The conference will take place in Milan (30.05.-01.06.2015). The deadline for the submission of an abstract is 31.12.2015.