Samstag, 24. Januar 2015

International Workshop on the Codex Bononiensis

The recently in Bologna discovered Gothic palimpsest will be the topic of a one day International Workshop on the 17th April 2015 at the Université de Lausanne, Centre de Linguistique et des Sciences du Langage, organised by Anita Auer and Michiel de Vaan. 

The manuscript was first published by Finazzi & Tornaghi in 2013, an improved reading by Falluomini appeared in 2014.

The speakers at the Workshop will be:

1. Carla Falluomini (Università degli Studi di Torino): "Der Codex Bononiensis und die anderen gotischen Handschriften: paläographisch‑kodikologische und textkritische Anmerkungen";

2. Rosa Bianca Finazzi & Paola Tornaghi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuora, Milano): "Gothica Bononiensia: De la découverte à nos jours";
3. Peter Alexander Kerkhof (Leiden University): "Retracing the Lines: an independent reading of the lacunae in the Bologna fragment";
4. Arend Quak (University of Amsterdam & Leiden University): "Eine gotische Predigt";
5. Roland Schuhmann (Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften): "Linguistic notes on the Gothica Bononiensia";
6. Marcus Sigismund (Bergische Universität Wuppertal & Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal): "Sermones Bononienses? Annäherungen an Form und Gattung der Gotica Bononiensia"
7. Brendan Wolfe (University of Oxford): "The Bolognia fragments in their historical and theological context".

Best of all:  Attendance is free!
Everyone, who is interested in participating should use the following web form: Registration Form

Details can also be found here:, facebook.

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