The manuscript was first published by Finazzi & Tornaghi in 2013, an improved reading by Falluomini appeared in 2014.
The speakers at the Workshop will be:
1. Carla Falluomini (Università degli Studi di Torino): "Der Codex Bononiensis und die anderen gotischen Handschriften: paläographisch‑kodikologi
2. Rosa Bianca Finazzi & Paola Tornaghi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuora, Milano): "Gothica Bononiensia: De la découverte à nos jours";
3. Peter Alexander Kerkhof (Leiden University): "Retracing the Lines: an independent reading of the lacunae in the Bologna fragment";
4. Arend Quak (University of Amsterdam & Leiden University): "Eine gotische Predigt";
5. Roland Schuhmann (Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften): "Linguistic notes on the Gothica Bononiensia";
6. Marcus Sigismund (Bergische Universität Wuppertal & Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal): "Sermones Bononienses? Annäherungen an Form und Gattung der Gotica Bononiensia"
7. Brendan Wolfe (University of Oxford): "The Bolognia fragments in their historical and theological context".
Best of all: Attendance is free!
Everyone, who is interested in participating should use the following web form: Registration Form
Details can also be found here:, facebook.
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